

Sunday, September 15, 2024
After the successful conclusion of phase 1 of our cloud based navigation QC service, development is gathering pace in response to interest from the E&P, consultancy and contactor companies. Phase 2 is planned for release by Q2 2025 and will include many visual and functional enhancements, performance improvements and the inclusion of 3D binning. The service as been re-branded SeisCloudNAV to reflect it's enhanced functionality.


Monday, February 20, 2023

FGPS is proud to announce the release of our cloud based QC service. Users may now keep abreast of navigation data quality as acquisition progresses. The core elements of this service include a proprietary data compression algorithm which allows for fast data upload directly from the field without any loss of fidelity. New data is automatically detected and  processed on the server and made available on unlimited browsers within minutes of upload. QC parameters are established at the start of the survey and may be modified on demand as the survey progresses.

Please contact FGPS for more details of this service.

Everett Cloessner

Thursday, September 1, 2022
FGPS extends a warm welcome to Everett who joins us in a part time role providing FLQC services. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise on navigation and positioning for towed streamer and OBS surveys.

SeisPlan licensed to PGS

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

We are delighted to announce the take-up by PGS of SeisPlan, our recently released preplot software application, as a key component of their project planning. SeisPlan has been the recent focus of significant development in order to fulfil the most demanding of technical requirements for complex preplots. Its many features include multi-user support, an intuitive user interface, interactive visual editing, comprehensive outputs and EPSG based geodetic definitions. As with all of our software, development is ongoing to keep abreast of evolving industry requirements.

Sergey Vinnichenko

Thursday, May 12, 2022
We extend a hearty welcome to Sergey who joins FGPS as business development manager. Sergey has been in the seismic industry since 1997 and during that time has accumulated a wealth of knowledge in both the technical and client liaison areas. Sergey fulfills a vital role in the company in extending our presence within the industry.

SeisPlan preplot software released

Tuesday, May 10, 2022
We are proud to release SeisPlan, our new application for preplot creation. SeisPlan replaces the P1Tools Preplot module and has enhanced functionality. All preplot types are supported. Download the SeisPlan spec sheet from the products page of our website.

SeisBin - v1.02 release

Friday, August 13, 2021
Our 3D binning application, SeisBin, has undergone significant upgrades. The intill analysis feature provides comprehensive reports on infill, including shot ranges for individual lines required to make good areas of deficient coverage. The latest version can be downloaded from the products page of our website.

Robin Pellatt - 10 years with FGPS

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Robin joined the FGPS team in August 2011, bringing with him a level of expertise in software engineering and IT which has been and continues to be of enormous benefit to the company. After hitting the ground running right from the start he rapidly accumulated an impressive depth and breadth of knowledge of our business and is now the mainstay of our software development and IT infrastructure. We give Robin our hearty congratulations on his achievements and look forward to our continued association for years to come!

P1Tools New Release

Friday, July 16, 2021

P1Tools v15.31 is released with significant upgrades to the Preplot module, including:

  • Floating point SP number support
  • Exact full fold polygon calculation
  • Versioning
  • Secondary CRS
  • P6 import

SPSPro Upgrade

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

We are pleased to announce another significant upgrade to our popular SPSPro application. QC features have been augmented with new acceptance test types and improved reporting. SPSPro is the software of choice by leading OBS contractors who no longer need to implement a new QC spreadsheet for every new job! Existing customers may upgrade at no cost. Potential customers will be given a free licence for appraisal purposes.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

SeisBin binning software is released

SeisBin is a Windows based application that makes comprehensive 3D coverage visualisation analysis and reporting easily and cost-effectively available. It supports multiple offset group and sampling parameter-sets which makes switching between different visualisations a button-click away. Powerful infill analysis, automated and interactive, allows infill decisions to be quickly and concisely made. Full Fold and Null Fold perimeters are used in the infill analysis. Edits can be easily made either manually or by use of .ADS files. Comprehensive reporting on QC, coverage and infill is supported.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

FGPS is pleased to announce a significant upgrade to our SPSPro application. The main new feature is:

  • Integrated QC module
    • Completely user configurable
    • Acceptance testing
    • Trend analysis
    • SQL DB storage

The new module replaces the Source and Receiver plot modules, and the Compare module.

For Existing SPSPro users you are advised to download and install the v 8.02 upgrade:

If you have not installed SPSPro then please use the v8.02 full installer:

We would be happy to give you a trial licence for this software. 

Mark Payne joins FGPS

Saturday, January 18, 2020
FGPS welcomes Mark Payne to the team. Mark has an established presence in the global seismic positioning marketplace culminating in his role as client representative. He brings with him a broad base of expertise and experience in all aspects of seismic navigation, with a particular emphasis on Ocean Bottom Survey. He is also experienced in FGPS software. Mark's responsibilities are primarily First Line QC, and over the coming months he will become increasingly involved in providing software support to our customers.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

We are pleased to announce the release of P1Tools version 15.00. This version features a completely new master QC module combining the previous main QC modules with enhanced reporting and batch processing. The result is a significantly faster, more comprehensive and user friendly QC operation. The Extract module has been revised and now includes a receiver re-numbering utility.

Mark Shorey

Thursday, December 27, 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mark Shorey. He died suddenly on the 12th December 2018 following a brave battle with cancer. Mark had worked for FGPS since 2004. During this time he had completed over 1000 First Line Quality Control Checks for many of our clients. He will be missed not only as a work colleague but as a friend to us all here.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The latest release of P1Tools completes the replacement in all modules of the UKOOA geodetic definitions with the EPSG CoordinateReference System model. The features available allow selection of EPSG CRSs, creation and copying of CRSs from EPSG or user databases.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

The latest release of Px11Utils features enhanced updates to the Px11 format checker providing the user with comprehensive details on format violations and integtrity failures. These updates are available in both Pro and Lite (no cost) versions.

Px11Utils 1.34

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The latest release of Px11Utils, version 1.34, features significant enhancements enabling the user to easily and efficiently navigate through the OGP Px/11 file using the Format Inspector. New features include:

    Hyperlinked entity IDs for easy de-referencing.
    Backward/forward navigation through browsing history.
    Display referenced tables with a mouse click.
    Horizontal and vertical layout choice.

All new features are available in both the free Lite version and the Pro version.

SEG Dallas 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

FGPS exhibited at the SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting in Dallas which was both enjoyable and fruitful, meeting old friends and colleagues and consolidating existing business connections and creating new opportunities.

SeisPos now supports EPSG geodetic database

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

SeisPos version 21.26 has been released and licenced users may run the upgrade setup to take advantage of the new features. SeisPos is now fully compatible with the EPSG geodetic model. Users are also advised to download and install the EPSG database from the Products page. Our innovative approach provides great flexibility in the use and manipulation of geodetic information by providing the user with three databases, EPSG, User and Line (from the data file header). The interface is implemented through a "CRS Inspector" and "CRS Manager" allowing inspection, manipulation and copying of geodetic entities amongst these databases.

SEG New Orleans 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

FGPS will be exhibiting at the SEG International Exposition and 85th Annual Meeting in New Orleans at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center from the 18th to 23rd. October. Visit us at stand 3217.

1000 First Line Quality Controls

Monday, July 27, 2015

We are proud to announce that Mark Shorey has now completed his 1000th FLQC since joining FGPS in 2004. These FLQCs have covered all survey types from OBC to Q Marine, and both data formats P2/94 and P2/11. 99% of FLQCs have been turned around within the target 24 hours, with Mark frequently working unsociable hours to maintain this target.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Our long awaited new licensing system has finally been implemented for all applications. The new system simplifies the transfer of licences between machines without the need to use email. Site licences are now also supported.

To transfer to this new system contact us initially by email to request a new licence and then download and run your application's upgrade installer.

SPSPro and FBComp

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We have released new versions of SPSPro and FBComp with a number of customer driven enhancements, details of which are given in their respective release notes. Please visit our Products page for links to the Upgrade Setups and the Release Notes.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

SPSPro's receiver computation module, FBComp, is now a standalone product. Existing customers who have licenced this module will need to apply for a separate FBComp licence at no additional cost after upgrading both applications.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A new version of P1Tools has been released which incorporates a significant number of enhancements to the Preplot module. These include greater control over binning grid definitions, improved user interface, improved graphics options and overlays. Users download the release notes for full details.

FLQC P2/11 and P1/11 formats

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

FGPS have successfully carried out the first First Line QC (FLQC) on the new OGP P2/11 and P1/11 formatted data. This was carried out on behalf of a major seismic contractor. The same data was provided in the old UKOOA P format data and produced similar results confirming the integrity of the new formats. Our software has been designed in order to handle both formats and the integrity of the data in the new format was inspected using our application Px11Utils which is freely available from our website.


Monday, August 26, 2013

FGPS International Ltd release a new application AppSync.

AppSync is designed to enable you to set up all your project folders in one easy step, then run the relevant FGPS software products for your project.

SeisPos 19.53

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

SeisPos latest release, 19.53, is now available for download. This includes optimisations for BroadSeis datasets.

EAGE 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

FGPS International Ltd and NCS SubSea would like to thank everyone who visited our stand at EAGE London 2013. We both had a very successful show and look forward to seeing you again in Amsterdam 2014.


Monday, June 10, 2013

FREE utility programme for format checking. See us at stand 200 EAGE London 2013 for your free copy.

Px11Utils Is a free utility programme for format checking and record inspection of data recorded in the OGP P2/11 and P1/11 formats.

The software also includes a utility to convert P2/94 to P2/11.

SeisPos 19.23

Monday, January 7, 2013

SeisPos version 19.23 is now available for download. This version has been optimised to enable improved and more efficient handling of Q Marine datasets.

All our software is frequently updated to enable you to process and evaluate your data in the most efficient manner. For the current release notes and updates, please check out our products section.

Busy Summer at FGPS

Friday, October 5, 2012

FGPS has had a busy summer. PGS have purchased 2 licences for SPSPro including the FBComp module to be used in their forthcoming OBC surveys. This was in conjunction with a training course provided by Paul at their headquarters in Lysaker Norway.

At the same time, we have been in talks with CGGVeritas to supply software fleet-wide for their OBC post processing tasks. CGG have been instrumental in working closely with us enabling us to develop a number of enhancements to the software.

If you would like any further information on our software for OBC positioning, please contact us at

New Personnel

Saturday, June 9, 2012

FGPS has been busy this last year and have been joined by two new members of staff.

Robin Pellatt joined FGPS in August 2011. He is responsible for software development and maintenance, software quality and technical support.

Sharon Brown joined FGPS in June 2012. She is responsible for business development and customer relations.