
The FGPS suite of software has been developed in the field and office using real data acquired by all the major geophysical contractors and under a multitude of configurations and conditions. In addition to the academically approved and accepted methods, the software employs proprietary algorithms and methods of data storage which enable optimum performance at low cost, without compromising the quality of the results obtained.

This software is available for lease or purchase, with full 24 hour technical support.

Choose the right products for your survey

  Streamer Positioning P2 to P1 OBC / OBN
Source Positioning P2 to Receiver Coordinate Computation First Break Picking
SPS P1 Using Acoustics Using First Breaks
AppSync X  X  X  X  X  X 
SeisPos X  X  X  X     
P1Tools X    X       
SPSPro   X    X  X   
FBComp       X  X   
SEGYTools           X 

Choose the right utilities for your survey

Preplot Postplot Geodetic Data Extraction Integrity & Format Checking Data Visualisation File Management File Inspection
SeisPos     X  X  X  X     
P1Tools   X  X  X  X  X  X   
SPSPro   X    X  X  X  X   
SurvUtil     X           
SeisBin         X  X     
SeisPlan X          X     
Px11Utils       X  X  X    X 

AppSync provides a platform to enable you to set up your project folders and run all FGPS applications from one area.


AppSync allows you to set up all your project folders and run the software from one shell application. To do this download and install AppSync and follow the instructions below:

1. File | New Project
2. Enter the project name e.g. Project_Name.
3. Select the project type
4. Enter or select the project folder. This will be the master folder for everything in that project. E.g. c:\Project_Name.
5. Click Create Project Files.
6. File | Save Project.
7. Start the programme you want from AppSync.

SeisPos is a fully comprehensive processing and QC package for marine 2D and 3D seismic navigation data recorded in the OGP P2/11 and UKOOA P2 formats.

icon SeisPos datasheet

SeisPos is used for processing of raw navigation data for all marine seismic survey types from raw positioning data to final coordinates. It supports the UKOOA P2 and P1, IOGP P2/11 and P1/11, and SPS formats. The software features all the necessary tools for handling the most demanding datasets. It provides comprehensive quality control and reporting. Download the data sheet for a detailed description.

P1Tools provides all aspects of quality appraisal of final marine 2D and 3D positioning data recorded in the industry standard OGP P1 format. This package includes a suite of utilities including preplot and coordinate conversions.

icon P1Tools datasheet

Processing of raw navigation data for streamer surveys from OGP P2 raw data format to OGP P1/90 or SPS final data format.
Quality Control Modules

QC Offsets
Allows user specified configuration to compare any node positions.
Export results in Microsoft Excel compatible format.
Interactive time series plots of radial, inline and crossline components of node ranges.
Performs dataset integrity checks, providing details of exceptions.
Performs format compliance checking.

QC Nodes
Allows user specified configuration of selected records
. Export results in Microsoft Excel compatible format.
Interactive time series plots of radial, inline and crossline components of shot-to-shot node movement, water depth and streamer depths.

Compares two P1 datasets. Allows user-specified configuration of selected records for comparison.
Export results in Microsoft Excel compatible format.
Interactive time series plots of radial, inline and crossline components of node differences.

Trend Analysis and Statistical Testing
Enables user defined configuration of time series plots of all line-by-line data as configured in the QC Offsets, QC Nodes and Compare modules.
Enables user defined configuration of statistical tests based on the above data, producing reports to flag failures.

Interactive graphical replay of P1.
Supports on screen measurements.
Displays vessel, active source, receiver groups, tailbuoys.
Displays grid, survey line and waypoints.

Streamer Shape
User defined configuration: select streamers, shots, labels.
Optionally rotate streamers for clarity.
Zooming and scaling functions.


Exports data from P1 in Microsoft Excel compatible format.
User specifiable record and record attribute configuration of data to export.
P1 decimation.
Specifiable SP inclusive or exclusive range and interval.

Coordinate Conversions
Currently supports 7 parameter datum transformations.
Currently supports TM, RSO and NZMG projections.
Multiple files.
Parameters from P1 header.
From and To parameters can be edited.

Interactive design.

Convert P1 to DXF file.
Any record type(s) can be selected.
Fully customisable.

Depth Corrections
Tidal reductions/corrections.
Depth replacement.
Tidal datum corrections.

Line Intersection Computation
Text and Omega formatted output.

Definable SP range.

SeisBin is a Windows based application that makes comprehensive 3D coverage visualisation, analysis and reporting easily and cost-effectively available.

icon SeisBin datasheet

SeisBin is a Windows based application that makes comprehensive 3D coverage visualisation analysis and reporting easily and cost-effectively available. It supports multiple offset group and sampling parameter-sets which makes switching between different visualisations a button-click away. Powerful infill analysis, automated and interactive, allows infill decisions to be quickly and concisely made. Full Fold and Null Fold perimeters are used in the infill analysis. Edits can be easily made either manually or by use of .ADS files. Comprehensive reporting on QC, coverage and infill is supported.

SeisPlan is a Windows based application for the creation of marine seismic preplots.

SeisPlan datasheet

SeisPlan can be used to create preplots for all types of marine seismic surveys. Its many features include multi-user support, an intuitive user interface, interactive visual editing, comprehensive outputs and EPSG based geodetic definitions.

SPSPro is an interactive tool for analysing and checking all aspects of land and OBC positioning data recorded in Shell Processing Support format

icon SPSPro datasheet

Shell Processing Support format (SPS) data QC and receiver coordinate computation.
Record integrity checking.
Mapping of source and receiver positions by type and index.
Interactive mapping of active spread.
Replay acquisition.
Mapping of source and receiver attributes (static correction, point depth, seismic datum, uphole time, water depth and surface elevation).
File comparisons, mapped and time series.
Time series plots of source and receiver lines for all point attributes.
Interactive output of source and receiver data to csv file.
Data management.
Receiver coordinate computation using acoustics or first breaks.

FBComp is an application used to compute receiver group coordinates using first break picks and/or acoustic data, primarily for OBS Surveys.

icon FBComp datasheet

Computation of OBC survey receiver group coordinates using any combination of acoustic ranges, bearings, USBL X and Y, constrained receiver positions (e.g. from GPS) and first breaks.

SEGYTools is a quality control and utility program for data recorded in the SEG-Y format.

icon SEGYTools datasheet

Quality control and fist break picking for data recorded in the SEG-Y format.

Text Header
View the text header.

Binary Header
View the binary header.

Trace Header
View and edit the trace header. Add and delete fields. Edit existing fields for description, byte location, length and data type. Diaplay all trace header values for selected trace.

Trace data
View raw and filtered values for selected trace.

Trace Plot
Standard display options including scaling and zooming.
Trace sorting by up to 10 header fields.
Up to three simultaneous bandpass filters.
First break pick parameterisation and display.
Overlay of imported picks.

Export first break picks.
Export to SPS.

Import first break picks for overlay and comparison.

Graph comparison of computed and imported picks.

SurvUtil is a geodetic and survey utilities package based on the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) database.

icon SurvUtil datasheet

Geodetic and survey utilities package based on the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) database.
Geographical <> Cartesian coordinate transformations.
Geographical <> Grid coordinate transformations.
Cartesian <> Grid coordinate transformations.
Batch coordinate conversions.
Grid convergence and scale.
Geodetic forward.
Geodetic reverse.

Px11Utils is a utility programme for navigation and positioning data recorded in the OGP P2/11, P1/11 and P6/11 formats. It provides many powerful features such as file format checking; content integrity checking; contents visualisation, inspection and editing; and file conversion to and from UKOOA formats.

icon Px11Utils datasheet


The application comes in Pro and Lite versions, as detailed in the table below. The Lite version is free but limited to processing a maximum of 10 shots or 10 data records per file. Please enquire about licensing for the Pro version.


Format check - Px11 X X
File Inspection - Px11 X X
File Conversion - P2/94 to P2/11 X X
File Conversion - P1/90 to P1/11 X X
File Conversion - P1/11 to P1/90 X X
File Conversion - P6/98 to P6/11 X X
File Conversion - P1/90 bin centre to P6/11  
File Conversion - batch mode X
Format check - UKOOA X
Summary Report - Px11 X
Smart File Search - Px11 X
Smart File Edit - Px11 X
Unlimited record processing in all features X

Main Window
Provides a quick parsing function for single lines from a P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 file, and launch buttons for the other modules.

Format Check
Performs a comprehensive format checker, including integrity checking, of P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 data files, and optionally UKOOA P2/94 and P1/90 files.

File View
Provides instant decoding of any selected line from a P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 file. Easy record editing is accomplished using the record detail display.

Converts legacy data from various UKOOA formats to the relevant OGP format, e.g. P2/94 to P2/11. Batch mode allows conversion of multiple files at a time.

Summary Report
Inspects the header of one or more P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 files to create a summary of the file contents. The report includes general information, a configuration summary, full CRS details, and a network diagram.

Smart File Search
Allows searching through a list of P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 files to find those whose contents match certain criteria. The criteria include number of vessels, number of sources, and number of streamers.

Smart Edit
Allows editing of OBJREF and OBSID in one or more P1/11, P2/11 or P6/11 files.


description downloads

Utility for Uploading files.

Utility for Uploading files.

FGPS Databases

description downloads

The FGPS Databases provide sets of data that may be used to provide additional functionality for FGPS products, and can be installed in a common location.


The Following databases are available.

  • EPSG Database: implemented in SeisPos, P1Tools, SeisBin, Px11Utils and SurvUtil
  • Magnetic model coefficient files: implemented in SeisPos
  • Maps Database: coastlines from NOAA, used in P1Tools
  • Nadcon difference files: used for NAD 27 to NAD 83 datum transformations
  • NTv2 grid files: used for datum transformations using the NTv2 coordinate operation method

All the databases can be downloaded together using the common installer, or individually as required.

FGPS Floating Licence Server

description downloads

The FGPS Floating Licence Server is used to share licences between users on a network. Special terms apply.